Cuba Missionary Support and Relief Funds Desperately Needed

Over the last few years, our choir has taken on the great privilege to support a group of missionaries in Cuba working with the Eastern Baptist Convention of Cuba. When our choir was there working with the churches, we became acutely aware of the great needs in that country and the wonderful work the missionaries were doing.

To fully fund the four missionaries (including some additional money for Christmas bonuses), we need to raise $7,700 each year. God has been faithful to provide those funds through many of you these past years.

The missionaries not only train and equip musicians throughout the churches in eastern Cuba, they also do a lot of relief work to help the growing desperate situation in Cuba. One of the missionaries is running a farm to grow food that is distributed among the hungry.

Many of you have been faithful to provide monthly giving to support these missionaries. Thank you so much for that! I cannot think of a way that your money can be better used for kingdom purposes. The total support for one missionary is currently $140/month. We need some people to consider funding one missionary or perhaps providing 1/2 support on a regular basis. Currently, we have regular donations covering two of the four missionaries’ support, and I am working to obtain additional funding to provide the salary for the two others.

Also, I come to you today to see if we can raise additional funds to cover the deficit needed to fully fund these missionaries AND to raise additional funds for two things:

  1. We want to provide a retreat for the missionaries and their families who have worked tirelessly for seven years without a break. It would be bringing the families together at a retreat location for a few days of relaxation and a time to be ministered to. The estimated cost is $3,500.
  2. We want to provide money to help with their food distribution ministry.

Read on, below for some information about conditions in Cuba and a ministry report:


I spoke with Yunior, my counterpart in Cuba. He talked of the massive inflation that has hit every part of their economy and the scarcity of food and basic needs. Further, he said:

“Things here are getting worse day after day.  Food, days before water reaches the houses.  We barely have a few hours of the day with electricity, more than 15 hours without electricity, inflation, but above all these things we have seen the hand of God.  Many people are leaving the country, church leaders, pastors, it is a very delicate situation but we feel that God has called us to serve here and with his help we will continue doing so until God wants.”


  • We opened 16 Community Kitchens that will be giving food, 3 times a week, for 3 months to 600 very needy people in different communities in the east of the country.                 
  • 64 retired pastors and widows of pastors received food aid. 
  • The Convention Nursing Home received funds for food. 
  • 68 families of pastors and missionaries who are ministering in churches received food aid. 
  • We provided funds for food to 6 churches that support families from the countryside and small towns who come to city hospitals with patients, mostly to receive cancer treatment, those churches, including the central office of the Baptist Convention of Cuba Oriental offers support to these families with food, lodging and spiritual and emotional support. 
  • Another 3000 families were helped with food and medicine, in many extremely needy communities

The work that churches are doing with community kitchens is impressive, 40% of those who are helped are not Christians and many have already begun to attend church, with much gratitude, glory to God.

In addition to all this, the team is instrumental in raising up worship musicians—orchestral and vocal, across Cuba.

Please email me personally if you will be able to help. You can give a one-time gift for the year or set up a monthly contribution. Just let me know what you want to do.

All contributions are tax-deductible. 

Each missionary’s complete annual support is $1,680 currently, or $140 a month. So little compared to US standards. Some of you may want to consider fully supporting one missionary.

ALSO, consider your church choir, small group, handbell choir, band or other group from your church making this an ongoing mission project.

If we are able to raise additional funds, we can help fund some ministry projects as well. That has been a great blessing to them in the past.

Thanks for prayerfully considering how you might be a help with this.


If you would like to make monthly donations, the best way is through a regular bank draft through your bank’s online bill pay.  You may also send a check to us at this address for a non-recurring donation.

Set up a check with this address: 

BSCNC Worship Ministry 
Attn: Ethan Nunn
205 Convention Drive
Cary, NC 27511
In the memo, indicate: Worship Missions of Cuba

Let Kenny know what you are sending so we can make sure the money goes to the right place. It can be misdirected if everything is not clear.
  • A one time gift & amount
  • A monthly gift & amount

You can also donate online here.


Kenny (

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