We’re having two types of concert attire for the upcoming season (the same as last year): a more “formal” look of all black, and a second look with blue/black color scheme.
We realize most people have black pants and tops already. We are only adding two ties for men–one blue (to match the ladies’ tunic) and one black (total of $20 for the two ties) and a blue tunic for ladies ($25).
You may pay by cash or check at the retreat or you may pay online before the retreat. If you will not be at the retreat, you will need to pay by credit card online.
Ladies will have tunics to try on to get the correct sizing at the retreat. Men will pick up their black ties and receive their blue ties later.
Thanks to Jessica Isaacs and Becky Marshall for all their work on this!!
Payment for clothing is made at the time of choir registration.
- Solid black top
- Solid black bottoms
- Black shoes
- Silver jewelry (no sparkly rhinestones or large, statement pieces please)
- Sleeve length may be short (1/2-way down bicep), ¾ or long. No cap sleeves, please
- Sleeveless tops may be worn with a solid black sweater or jacket—no bare arms
- Solid black bottoms include pants (to ankle or longer, no capris) and skirts. Short skirts (to knee) must be worn with solid black tights (no bare legs). Longer, maxi skirts are fine to wear
- Solid black dress may also be worn with solid black tights/hose (no bare legs)
- Solid black, long-sleeve dress shirt
- Solid black slacks
- Black belt and shoes
- Solid black tie (to be picked up at NCBSO retreat)
- Solid black shirt to be worn tucked in

- New blue shirt (to be ordered at NCBSO retreat)
- Solid black bottoms
- Black shoes
- Silver jewelry (no sparkly rhinestones or large, statement pieces please)
- Solid black bottoms include pants (to ankle or longer, no capris) and skirts. Short skirts (to knee) must be worn with solid black tights (no bare legs). Longer, maxi skirts are fine to wear
- Solid black, long-sleeve dress shirt
- Solid black slacks
- Black belt and shoes
- Solid blue tie (to be picked up at the NCBSO retreat)
- Solid black shirt to be worn tucked in