Retreat Updates, Order of Music, Orchestra mp3 Downloads, and MORE!

Can you believe the season is about to start!! I hope the songs have been ministering to you as you have been listening to them, singing them, and playing them. There is a powerful message running through this repertoire.


Be sure to arrive in plenty of time for picking up music, name tags (new people only), etc. Feel free to come early and walk around campus some. This is surely a wonderful place to experience the closeness of God!

Please be in prayer for our time together, for the members of the NCBSO, for the people we will be leading in worship this year, and for your directors as we have the privilege to lead this group to declare their faith through music.

You will stay, eat, sleep and spend time together in the conference center. See the map at the bottom of the page for more information. All rehearsals except men’s sectionals will be in Hollifield Hall. The sectionals will be held on the bottom floor of the conference center, where you will also indulge in our world-class dining experiences.

If you are spending the night at Caraway, you will find your key on the table in the lobby of the conference center (across from Hollifield Hall). Hotel rooms have linens but no toiletries. Thankfully, there are no televisions or phones to disturb your “retreatness.”

You will pick up your choral folder (if not using a tablet) and name tag (for newbies) along with ordering your attire (if needed for newbies and people needing replacements) in Hollifield Hall. SHHHHHHHH! There will be an orchestra rehearsal going on, so please be quiet as you interact and then depart the hall when you have completed your tasks there.

We are asking all section leaders to serve one more term as we are working on some updates. Those that are with us on Friday will meet together for a lunch meeting. Details coming soon.

Ensemble tryouts will be BEFORE lunch on Thursday. We will be contacting you with specific times once signups are closed.

There will be some tables of free orchestra music (feature pieces) available for a new home. There MIGHT BE some free choral music of music released in the last few years also available (no promises).

SIN BOX. As in the past years, I will have a SIN BOX available that you can place any NCBSO music from years gone by that you have discovered in your possession. There will be no judgment, no guilt, no penalty. Your sin will be cast as far as the East is from the West. If you listen carefully, you may hear quietly playing, “Just as I am….”

Here is the order of songs for our worship concerts. Choir members using tablets should have their music ready to go.


VERY IMPORTANT: We need the orchestra members that are not singing to stay until 4:00 Thursday afternoon. Leaving early will deprive you and the rest of the group of important time to bond spiritually and socially that is integral to our ability to lead profound times of worship. Please make every effort to remain until 4:00.

If you are in the orchestra, be sure to have all your music downloaded/printed before arriving unless you have worked out other arrangements. Don’t forget to bring your music stands.

In case you do not already have them, you can access orchestra feature song mp3s here. The congregational songs, demo and instrumental only can be accessed here.

Everyone should be familiar with the songs before arriving.

Our 1:45 rehearsal will be singing some of them with orchestra before we have time to really work on them. This will give us the experience of enjoying the sound of choir and orchestra together before much of the orchestra departs later in the afternoon.

I have included the schedule once again below for your reference. Note that lunch on FRIDAY is NOT provided (except we will have a provision for section leaders–stay tuned).

Be ready to share your life verse and its meaning to you.

Be thankful that our food has no bad calories while at Caraway; it is all blessed and good.

I am thankful for each of you and look forward to our days together!!!! To God be the glory!

Caraway Conference Center & Camps | 4756 Caraway Mountain Rd | Sophia, NC 27350


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